Waipipi School Parent Handbook 2025
Welcome to Waipipi School!
We are excited to welcome you and your child to our school community. This handbook is designed to give you the essential information about how our school operates, what we value, and how we can work together to ensure the best experience for your child. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out—we're always happy to help!
About Waipipi School
Waipipi School has a rich history, dating back to 1874. Over the years, our school has grown and evolved, but our strong sense of community remains. Many families have long-standing connections to our school, and we welcome all new families with open arms. We pride ourselves on maintaining positive relationships between home and school and encourage parent involvement in all aspects of school life.
Our Vision
Successful learners who communicate confidently and interact positively with others.
Our Values
Excellence - Always striving to do our best
Respect - Treating others with kindness and consideration
Communication - Expressing ourselves clearly and confidently
Honesty - Being truthful and responsible
Sensitivity - Being aware of others' feelings and perspectives
Tolerance - Accepting and appreciating differences
Contact Information
Address: 100 Creamery Road, RD3, Waiuku
Phone: 09 235 8007
Email: admin@waipipi.school.nz / principal@waipipi.school.nz
Website: www.waipipi.school.nz
School Board
Waipipi School is governed by a board comprising up to five elected members from the community, along with the principal and a staff representative. Other members may be co-opted as needed. Elections occur every three years.
The board works on behalf of all stakeholders, ensuring the school's strategic direction, policy compliance, and overall performance. Monthly board meetings are held in the school staffroom, with notice provided in the school newsletter. Parents are welcome to attend but do not have speaking rights unless invited.
School Hours
8:25 AM - School begins
9:30 - 9:45 AM - Morning interval
10:45 - 11:00 AM - Second interval
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Lunch break
2:30 PM - School finishes
We ask that children arrive no earlier than 8:00 AM and leave by 2:50 PM unless catching the town bus.
Attendance and Absences
Regular attendance is essential for your child's learning. If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school before 8:45 AM by calling or emailing the office. This helps us ensure that all students are safe and accounted for.
Waipipi School has two bus routes: the town bus and the country bus. For bus times, routes, and eligibility, please contact the school office. Parents must notify the office in advance if their child will not be taking the bus on a given day.
Car drop-off and pick-up occur at the designated car park outside the school. Students wait on the tennis courts at 2:30 PM for pickup. Children biking to school must be competent cyclists and wear helmets.
Digital Technology
Waipipi School provides high-quality computers for each classroom, alongside other technology to assist teaching and learning. We use desktops, laptops, tablets, and Chromebooks to support learning.
Students and parents are required to sign a Digital Technology Agreement upon enrolment. If your child would like to bring their own device (BYOD), please discuss this with the class teacher.
Health and Wellbeing
Medical and Dental Services
If any dental work is required, parents are asked to take their students to View Road Dental Clinic for treatment. The clinic is open during school holidays and can be reached at Ph: 2365180.
Support Services
Waipipi School maintains contact with and utilises a variety of outside specialist agencies and services when necessary, including:
The Public Health Nurse
The Specialist Education Service
Resource Teachers for Learning and Behaviour
The Children and Young Persons Service
The Franklin C.W.S.A. Group
Dental Nurse
Education Resource Centres
Hearing and Vision Tests
In the event of extraordinary conditions such as flooding, high winds, no water, sewage problems, or fire, requiring an emergency school closure, parents will be notified via the school app. If parents or emergency contacts cannot be reached, children will remain in the care of the principal and staff.
Enrolment Requirements
When enrolling a new student, parents must provide:
Birth Certificate
Immunisation Certificate
Details of any health issues or allergies (to be completed on the enrolment form)
Pre-enrolment visits are encouraged for new entrants. Families can schedule visits to tour the school and meet staff.
Raising Concerns
We encourage open communication. If you have any concerns, please:
Talk directly to the person involved (e.g., your child’s teacher).
If unresolved, contact a member of the management team or the principal.
If further resolution is needed, contact the board chair.
Formal complaints should be submitted in writing to the principal or board chair (if concerning the principal).
Parent Communication
We keep you informed through:
School app - Download it from the App Store for alerts and newsletters.
Weekly newsletter - Sent every Monday via the school app.
Parent-teacher meetings - Held during Term 1 to discuss goals and progress.
Open-door policy - Feel free to contact teachers or the principal with concerns.
Final Words
We are proud of our school community and look forward to working with you to ensure a fantastic year for your child. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support or have any questions.